About Opus Magnum
∴ Welcome to Opus Magnum ∴
Original Research from Trevor Grassi
OpusMagnum.org is my personal website, where I can share a vast range of material related to my independent investigations into the mysteries of the ancient past and their potential applications to our modern world. The name itself, OPUSMAGNUM, means the Great Work, and this far reaching phrase references the effort made by countless individuals, across every continent and every historical era, to bring about an enlightened, sustainable world peace. It is the mission to create the best possible world; for humanity to reach its highest potential…
I chose this name because it applies universally to anything that can benefit the world, or bring humanity closer to a state of balance and harmony with Nature. The goal of the Great Work is achieve collectively, a higher awareness, increased standard of living, reduced suffering and a sense of identity and purpose for the human race that we have lacked until now, due to the falsification of our history and prehistory.
Looking to our distant past, evidence is stacking up that contradicts the story we’ve been commonly offered by universities and historical institutions. I believe that the key to solving the greatest problems that humanity faces today is the recognition that in past ages, we already solved these problems and attained levels of conscious awareness that allowed us to recognize our true purpose and role in the universe. I believe that a Golden Age existed in our past, including abundant food, health, energy, technology and knowledge, which all contributed to the development of a globally interconnected peaceful civilization.
As the Golden Age gave way to the Dark Ages, the awareness, wisdom and technology was all gradually lost, and humanity sank into despair, confusion, paranoia, violence, deceit and forgetfulness. Eventually all traces of the high wisdom were lost and humanity forgot the true story of its own origins. The true history was replaced by erroneous guesses and false narratives used to intentionally confuse and subjugate the human race. We were tricked into accepting a false view of ourselves by a select, concentrated group aiming to dominate the world.
I believe that today, our true origins can be recovered, along with all the most sophisticated science and technology of the Golden Age, and I believe that recovering these keys from the distant past is the ONLY way to heal our world from the great disease it suffers from today. It is the only way to eliminate the dangers that threaten to carry us toward a dark and hopeless future; a soulless reality of desensitized consumerism, apathy, depression, loneliness; of constant war, genocide, poverty, sickness and intolerance.
There is no need for any of these senseless forms of suffering. We have an abundance of everything we need on this planet. We can easily adjust the course of our world, turning our sails to catch a more favorable wind. We can create a world of abundance and health, of joy and fulfilment, not only for all of humanity, but for all living beings on the planet and for the ecosystem itself. I believe that the path toward that brighter future lays before us, and the first step is to set history (and prehistory) free.
The keys to the brightest future can be found in the distant past.
That is what I truly believe and that is the motivation that drives all my research.
The purpose of this website is to elaborate on exactly what I mean by that, and offer practical solutions.
I have published many articles here in the past, and shared many photo galleries, videos and resources, but unfortunately the primary material I wish to share here would take far too much space, and until I can find a way to create my own server, I can not upload all the content I would like to share, but hopefully this option will be possible soon. For the time being, I am hoping to share some basics on a few pages, and at least have a home base for my contact information, links to my video channels, options for supporting donations (which are greatly appreciated) and a few other resources.
A primary focus of mine is Ancient Egypt, and specifically the Halls of Records below the Giza Plateau. My interest in this subject began when I met the world renowned ‘Rogue Egyptologist’, John Anthony West in 2006 and remained close with him for the next 12 years before he passed in 2018. In that time, I learned everything I could from John, as I recognized his rare talent for the esoteric language used by the ancient architects and artists. I continued to study the mysteries of the Sphinx, Giza and other related subjects on my own ever since. For the past several years I have been working closely with William Brown to produce the independent documentary series titled THE SECRET UNDERWORLD OF GIZA. You can see Parts One, Two and Three here:
Or you can support me directly here: https://opusmagnum.org/support/
You can also subscribe to the email list at the bottom of this page.
Thanks for looking, sharing and supporting!
I will do my best to share much more information here in the future, including the many books I have already written that are soon to be published!
– Trevor Grassi, O.M.
Contact me at: