In recent years there have been growing rumors regarding ‘Med Beds’, Tesla Chambers and other medical technology that are seemingly within humanity’s grasp. Some even claim that it is being mass produced right now. As these rumors grow more and more detailed, and the technology begins to be explained to the public, it seems less and less like a fairy tale. At first sight, it may seem impossible, as this technology would literally end all sickness in the world, including Covid and cancer, practically over night. Yet it would do a whole lot more than that as well.
Most leaks regarding this technology claim that select institutions on Earth have had it in use for some time, but since it is generally a space age technology, it has supposedly been held only within covert space programs. It would seem that many who are aware of this tech have been giving confirmations that it is real and will hopefully be disclosed very soon.
All the video reports, articles and interviews I have seen, as well as suggestions from social media, indicate a pretty uniform set of functions, and a fairly simply principle behind it. I will attempt to recover many of these links and post them on this page, but I can give a summary from the best of my understandings, and you can research further by looking up the keywords.

There are seemingly many different kinds of med beds and some are rather crude compared the most advanced ones, but all work on the principle of vibration. It is a holographic technology which utilizes ultraviolet light and/or Gamma rays. These waves running through the body interact with the DNA. The waves of photons are capable of both ‘reading’ and repairing DNA. In this way, a med bed can return any tissue or organ back into its pure and healthy form. This means that organs which have been removed can be regrown. Cancerous growths and virally infected cells can simply be removed, leaving purely what your own DNA means for there to be. But the technology, as Michael Salla and others have touched on recently, goes beyond even that, in that it has a quantum aspect to it as well. He describes that is it possible to essentially look back in the timeline of the DNA and thus be able to reconstruct your heart from the moment in your life when your heart was strongest, as well as the brain, when it was sharpest, the arms when they were strongest, etc. Ultimately, the technology does not only purport to heal any disease or bodily injury known to mankind, but it can ‘age regress’ the human body up to thirty years. It could hypothetical ‘cure’ old age and allow our very generation to live for centuries, if not INDEFINITELY. We could essentially become an ‘immortal race’, like the Elves of Middle Earth!
So yes, this could mean a potential end to the world’s COVID nightmare OVERNIGHT, but it is MUCH MORE than just that… Though we may fear the overpopulation of the planet, if people were to stop dying from old age, there are plenty of answers to that question, mostly to do with our way of life.
This ‘quantum’ element, which seems to tread the line of being ‘time travel tech’, is a likely a bit much for most people to believe, so I will try to explain my understanding of the science behind it, though I can only do my best as a DIY researcher and not a physicist. DNA contains a multidimensional quality to it, and it behaves very strangely when in the presence of high frequency light like ultraviolet rays. Many incredible experiments regarding this subject were collected together in David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations, including one in which a laser was shined through a frog’s egg and into lizards, and the lizard was born very ‘frog-like’… A beam through a duck egg into a chicken’s, resulted in a chicken with a bill and webbed feet. Besides all the ethical questions raised by this discovery, its implications are profound, and it certainly proves that photons can affect changes in the genetic code.

Immanuel Velikovsky also showed quite effectively that despite Darwin’s explanation of the creation of new species, nothing but extreme heat or radiation can actually mutate DNA enough to differentiate it as a species (one that cannot produce fertile offspring with it’s original species). He claimed that new species were formed all at once in evolutionary upgrades, at times when potentially the entire Earth was bathed in solar radiation.
There are many other interesting connection between light and DNA that seem to imply a unique relationship – as if ultraviolet light is a KEY to DNA in some sense, and so it is not far of stretch to me that it could be used to read and repair it.
I would imagine also that Tesla would be one of the minds capable of putting something like this together, and so it is not surprising to note that ‘Tesla chambers’ work on a similar principle. As he constantly reminded us, EVERYTHING is vibration. When you send the right vibrations through the body, it functions in a clean and pure way. This is the principle behind sound healing/therapy as well.
This video explains quite well that vibrational medicine goes back to Pythagoras’ age, and even to the ancient didgeradoo, tens of thousands of years ago:
This is also the basis of the Multi Wave Oscillators constructed by Georges Lakhovsky, who “had a 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers over an 11-year period” according to
All of these techniques utilize invisible waves moving through the body to target certain harmful cells by their frequency, or by sending multiple frequency at once (multi wave) that target ALL harmful frequencies. The result is a flushing out of those deformities and foreign bodies, leaving only the pure tissue left. it helps to keep all the currents of energy that maintain the body flowing through their meridians. Below is a functional reproduction of Lakhovksy’s original MultiWave Oscilator from

Tesla often spoke of the fact that the Earth has a natural resonant frequency, and if our bodies are not tuned into it, then we are not receiving the energy from the planet. There are also harmonics of this frequency – many healing and beneficial ones in the audible and visible spectrums, yet there are also discordant ones mixed throughout as well, so all this technology means to neutralize the harmful frequencies in the body and leave only the healthy ones.

This is why music played at 432 hertz tends to help the body and mind relax and tune into the frequency of the Earth, the ‘Great Oscillator’, and many people feel the difference between this tuning and the standard concert pitch which is 440 hertz. The movement to reset our standard tuning, which applies to generally all the music we ever hear, whether recorded or live, aimed to shift the world’s standard from the discordant frequency 440 to the harmonious 432.
Standard pitch tuning refers to the frequency of the ‘A’ note of a given instrument or recording. So at 440 hz tuning, for instance, a piano’s center A key would vibrate or pulse 440 times in one second. So as they move outward through space, or through your body, 440 waves would hit each cell per second. Dropping 8 hertz lower, means that there are slightly fewer waves per second, meaning the wavelength is slightly longer, so that only 432 pulses will cross a given point per second. As a result, the tone drops minimally. There is a valid argument then, that we should ‘retune the world’ from 440 to 432, because it is proven to be a harmonic of the planet itself, and thus charges us; resonating between us and the planet and finding little resistance from our healthy bodies. These waves running through the body end up getting the body’s own frequency to align with them. Thus, the music you listen to, tunes YOUR frequency.
And your body stays at that frequency until tuned again, either by sound, light, thought, emotion or even unknown, unseen rays of countless types.

Even the pyramid builders of both Giza and Teotihuacan in Mexico, both worked the 432 harmonic into the dimensions of their respective ‘great’ pyramid. It is shown as a relationship of their identical base perimeters to the circumference of Equator. The Babylonians seemed to have used the same harmonics when they divided the day into 86,400 seconds, which is double 43,200 (relationship of Great Pyramid to Equator) so…

Again, 432 does not stand alone as THE healing frequency, but is one of a family of harmonics. These numbers represent harmony, whether in time or distance or angles of sacred geometry or the very formations of the heavens and dimensions of the celestial spheres.

Of course, the Hindu units of time are based in the very same system.

These harmonies represent beneficial waves. When running through your body, much like the med bed tech, it can heal a great deal by restoring the currents to a natural flow. Through cymatics we can ‘see’ what the resonating tone looks like:

So the currents of energy in your body react to the vibrations running through it, and though Western medicine tends to ignore anything it cannot see, Eastern medicine has always, wisely, addressed not the physical symptoms as of prime importance, but rather, primarily attempts to ensure that the energy of the body is flowing smoothly through it. Acupuncture, Tai Chi and Kundalini yoga are but a few of the countless examples that demonstrate the importance of Chi or Prana, as it flows through meridians aligned with the blood vessels and nervous system, like a tree’s root structure, fractalling down to each cell. Eastern medicine recognizes that energy coursing through the body is what makes sure the various bodily functions operate as they should and there are few illnesses or injuries that cannot be healed simply by making sure that these currents are not obstructed.

Though the West is quite blind to these practices, since its science tends to call anything invisible a fantasy, there have been a few breakthroughs, including those listed above, that show it to be tip toeing towards admission of this energy. Many have noticed this subtle energy and acknowledged that it was not quite electricity, but similar in many ways, and so research into free energy (or Zero Point – pulling energy from the Earth’s field via resonance) naturally ties it to these medical breakthroughs. We start to see that there is field of energy that the Earth naturally emits and that this ‘biological electricity’ is what powers all living things. So in effect, we must charge our own human ‘batteries’ from the Earth’s energy grid (which is emmitted in greatest concentrations along leylines and their intersection nodes, which is where all pyramids across the world are placed), either by eating the plants or animals that grow from it or by walking barefoot outdoors, which has a similar effect. We can also absorb these rays directly from the sun, but most of the ways we use it involve it being processed to some degree by the Earth’s field. The Earth knows what our bodies want and so all plants and animals automatically tune into it, if not receiving competing signals. Yet the source of the energy flows in from the sun, which pulls it from the Galactic core, and so on. It is a universal energy, meaning it is literally the ather (AKA dark matter), or the aether is the field in which it moves and is conducted, overlapping all space in the universe. This etheric field has been described as a fluid-like medium by Nassim Haramein and others including Einstein, and it serves as the wiring in a sense that literally powers every living being that exists. Within every single point in space, the size of a pinpoint, there is enough energy present to power the united states for years. Nassim Haramein is one of the few who recognizes this and is trying to build a simple machine to make use of this ‘source field’. His ARK technology is a device based on this principle and his Resonance Science Academy makes this incredible research easy to understand and accessible to everyone, offering amazing resources online and free, though there are some paid courses too.

Wilhelm Reich was among the most prominent westerners to recognize the need to distinguish this energy from electric or magnetic fields and he did so by calling it orgone. From the same root word, orgasms were explained by him as discharges of it. Suggesting that the body has within itself an anode and cathode just like a battery. One pole is at the inner core and the other its at its exterior. He suggested that the movement of this energy from inside, outward to the skin, results in pleasure, and that when it moves in an inward direction it results in discomfort or anxiety.
This relation to sexual or sacral energy (stored in sacral plexus) also relates to Kundalini yoga, and to one of the few western terms for the very same energy, libido. Kundalini yoga specifically focuses on the primary current running up and down the spine, but this is merely the ‘trunk of the tree’ – as that primary loop powers the rest of the light body. Like the cerebral spinal fluid, the orgone courses up and down the spine and when it is flowing correctly, the chakras, or ‘wheels’ are all spinning like waterwheels in a stream. Through this process, your physical body is ‘feeding’ the energy to the subtle or etheric bodies and in this finer density, the energy radiates properly – and it literally ‘powers‘ your every move and thought. It’s no wonder then, why practicing Kundalini meditation not only keeps the body incredibly healthy, but coincidentally, it makes you clairvoyant! When everything is completely flowing, this energy is distilling itself into purer forms and feeding the pineal gland its ‘honey’; opening the third eye.

Reich’s research into orgone energy yielded amazing results in curing cancer, blocking harmful electromagnetic fields, and countless other applications, all of which tended to benefit life in every way and remove many types of harmful agents. His methods were very straightforward and cheap to produce, yet showed incredible results. He had discovered that simple orgone accumulators could be made by wrapping a quartz crystal in copper wire and suspending it in an organic resin that contains metal. The key is to get as much metal surface area in contact with the organic material, so often metal shavings or filings are used. The interaction of organic an inorganic has an affect that draws in and filters the energy in a given room. Many orgonites have various crystals mixed for their various qualities which are added to the etheric filter. The result, somehow, (magically I guess) produces negative ions which charge the room with a positive, life affirming energy. Negative ions feel like when you open all your windows in a torrential thunderstorm. Thunderstorms are orgone storms. So Orgonite is very effective at purifying the energy in a room, boosting it with negative ions and it also blocks harmful radiation from cell phones and 5g and wifi… His story is quite long and sad, as he ended up dying in prison and all his machines were destroyed along with all books describing how to make them.

Yet today, many are beginning to question whether big pharma actually has any interest in curing diseases and creating a healthy world, as this would only mean less profits for them. While it seems impossible to believe that cures to the world’s deadliest diseases could exist and are repressed, just so these massive corporations can reap more profits by ensuring ‘return customers’, we cannot help but notice a disturbing trend of many minds who seemingly discover VERY EFFECTIVE methods often meeting untimely ends. It seems too much to ignore in fact, and so these technologies are finding a renaissance today. As many of these approaches are very simple and cheap to construct, we are finding that many curious souls today are able to experiment in their own homes and garages. The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, by James DeMeo, PhD, is one great resource that teaches how to create orgonite and orgone accumulators using household products like felt, natural resins like beeswax and steel wool.
So is it really that far out to imagine that this Med Bed technology could be on our doorstep?
I think not. I believe that just by researching the few keywords and names above, anyone can start making use of this very basic and simple premise. Tensor rings for example, work on the same principle and require nothing more than some copper wire! It’s that simple to get started, but even tumor dissolving orgone accumulator boxes and multiwave oscilators are not terribly expensive or complicated to make.
Recognizing the simplicity of how vibrations interact with living beings and the cells and tissues within them opens the door to literally unlimited forms of this type of medicine.
Those who have studied pyramid power might see that it is essentially the very same thing. The geometric forms like pyramids and icosohedrons, when constructed of natural materials, end up harvesting this energy in a sense and radiating it into the environment. These radiations have been termed ‘torsion fields’, but again, it is merely one more name for this not-exactly-electricity type of energy. Again, it better to think of it as biological energy. Yet another term often used in this context is scalar waves, or scalar energy.
Is it possible that this secret immortality technology is what gave unnaturally long life to Methuselah and his family? Or the Sumerian kings recorded as living for thousands of years?
Yet another incredible scientist named Cleve Backster also discovered this energy, and his findings also relate it to consciousness and health. He not only found that all living beings share a common energy field, but that within it, we can literally feel emotions and reactions from all plants and animals. There is a psychic connection that is related to this field and to our connection to the Earth, which Baxter called ‘biocommunication’. The film, The Secret Life of Plants, not only explains his incredible discoveries, but also features an amazing soundtrack by Stevie Wonder…
Full film below:
So we can see that many of these truths have found their way to human discovery countless times already, and Med Beds are really only a more technologically advanced versions. They tend to work with ultraviolet light specifically, but are merely more automated and efficient versions of this wave technology that tunes to specific frequencies to cleanse the body of unwanted agents. We can also see that it can relate in ways to the consciousness of the subject, not becuase it is simply a placebo or a ‘mind over matter’ treatment, but because the scientific community must embrace the fact that these energetic bodies do actually exist and must be charged, or else the physical body will not keep itself healed as nature intends.
Yet still, it does imply that mind and consciousness DO have much to do with it, as even the vibration of your thoughts runs through your physical body, and the more you see yourself as a healthy person, rather than living in a state of fear and anxiety, the more your body will ‘believe your mind’. So some of those involved in med beds have insinuated that these are generally more effective with a more conscious population. Golden Pathways to Harmony in Australia offers a Tesla chamber called ‘Starhenge’, and they focus on the importance of attitude and mental health in conjunction with it. This getting pretty much there. There are many companies now using scalar technology and holographic technology in ways that can protect your phone, purify your water, or even increase garden yields by charging seeds.
The question of whether these technologies have been utilized within secret space programs that have been ongoing for many decades, has been addressed by many. Here is one video of Alex Collier speaking about them:
Michael Salla is one of the prominent voices to come forward, speaking about med beds in several interviews and articles on his including this one.
The updates keep coming and even if they are a bit otherworldly, and perhaps hard to believe, there is an undeniable science behind this scarcely understood ‘world of frequencies’. The holographic realm and the role that light plays in affecting DNA are but two mysteries that science is slowly being FORCED to acknowledge. The role of this energy is far more important to our health than are chemical or surgical treatments. You can literally utilize the effects of healing frequencies RIGHT NOW, simply by looking up on youtube words like healing frequency, and you will find a host of options of music and tones that can begin to reorganize your own bodily vibration simply by running these sound waves through it.
It is also very important to note that these energy fields MUST be acknowledged, because the fact is, our world is FULL of waves running through everything, all the time. From cell phones to wi fi to laptops, tvs, smart meters, cars, radio waves, microwaves, etc, we are simply bathing in frequencies 24/7 and its not optional. Not all of these waves are safe, like the very deadly microwave radiation from wifi signals and especially from 5g towers. At best, close proximity can cause headaches, ringing ears, distemperment, brain fog or anxiety, but at worst, it can cause cancer. 5G towers are now being put everywhere from shpping malls and sidewalks to elementary schools and even being piggy-backed onto power poles along major highways. meaning people will be radiated every moment the are driving. Significant effects can reach out 2-300 feet or more, which is less than the distance from most homes to the road.
This is really an atrocity, since these technologies have not been tested sufficiently and no long term data exists AT ALL. The few tests that did occur, had some disastrous results, including one that made thousands of birds fall out of the sky dead. So it is clear why acknowledging the incredible significance of these fields requires some serious debate and discussion from the world, but since it seems to be simply pushed through and happening, we must now find ways to protect ourselves from these fields and so orgonite and similar technologies are needed.
Ben Lonetree is also a pioneer in this industry, working with some Tesla-style wave generators, but mostly the Lahkovski Multiwave generators, which flush out multiple frequencies at once. His work can be found at
In time I will go much deeper into these topics!