TIATA Introduction
The WISE ONES tarry not in pleasure-grounds of senses.
The WISE ONES heed not the sweet-tongued voices of illusion.
Seek for him who is to give thee birth in the Hall of Wisdom,
the Hall which lies beyond, wherein all shadows are unknown,
and where the light of truth shines with unfading glory.
– The Book of the Golden Precepts
. . .
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
– Ephesians 6:12
. . .
From the unreal lead me to the real.
From darkness lead me to light.
From death lead me to immortality.
– Brhadaranyaka Upanisad I.iii.28
. . .
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.
– Confucius
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The Illusion and the Architect
This must be the 100th time I’ve written an introduction for this book; one for each of the attempts I’ve made to publish it. It has now been over fifteen years since it began. This book is my burden to carry, and until I finally publish it, it remains a heavy weight on my shoulders. It is my curse and my blessing. There is something here that is impossible to say, yet to remain silent is not an option.
Within only a few short paragraphs, I am meant to hook you as reader here; to sell you my idea; to convince you of how important these things are. I must convince you to read a work of thousands of pages, in a world full of soundbites and 20 second responses. I must convince you of the relevance of the material; of how it can benefit you in the present. I must make you a sales pitch and hook you in with a sense of urgency…
That’s not me. I will not use marketing tactics to try to psychologically manipulate you. I will not deceive you. I respect you. I believe that you’re better than that. I don’t think you’re a fool.
I don’t want money. I don’t want attention. I don’t want to sell you anything. I don’t want fame. I don’t want to convince anyone of anything. I don’t want anyone to tell me what to think, and I would never tell anyone else what to think, do, or say. I will not try to throw some zinger of a mystery to hook you in like a fish on a line.
I don’t want a NY Times bestseller. I don’t want to sell a million copies. I don’t want this book in anyone’s hands at all, besides the very few, for whom it was written. It is for the ones who have already seen the cracks in reality and who are ready to understand what is behind the veil.
Either you are here to learn the truth about this reality, or else you will not make it past this page. To be perfectly honest, it has been many years since the days when this was fun for me; when I investigated these mysteries joyously, with passion and intrigue.
Anyone who has ever earnestly sought the truth well knows that it isn’t pretty. The truth hurts, a great deal. When you find it, you are never the same again. When you see it, your eyes are never closed again.
My eyes were opened too wide, too early, in a world still so wrapped up in the Illusion. I’ve lived with the pain of knowing too much for too long, and I know how many others out there, share this exact feeling. You are my brothers and sisters, and this book is for you. This book is to show you all the connections I’ve made; all the symbols decrypted; all the agendas unriddled. In all the years I could speak to no one, I spoke to this work.
What came to me was by design. By following signs, I found these clues. I was helped. I was given this message, with the understanding that I would publish someday.
Soon I was shown what this had to become. I could see where it had to lead. I wrote it at first, with no clues to my identity, so I could publish anonymously, but I don’t care to conceal myself anymore. I’m safer with my name revealed anyway.
Whether or not this book is to be the death of me, matters little to me, as the actions of others are for them to decide. I have no fear of death, only of a life unlived. My only fear is that I should leave my work unfinished, so I will say everything I believe now, just as I please. I will share everything that I have learned. I will expose every threat that I’ve received and every enemy that tried to prevent this book from coming forth.
There were many attempts. Many attacks. Many sacrifices made, many dreams deferred and many loved ones lost. There was every reason to give it up, from their perspective at least. There was every reason to shut my mouth and fall in line. From their perspective.
I could see straight through it all and I couldn’t pretend to be fooled by the surface. I was not interested in watching the shadow puppets of Plato’s cave distract the masses.
I went outside. I found truth in Nature. I found truth in the eyes of strangers. I never trusted the science, the experts, the teachers, the priests or gurus. I never trusted the status quo, the politicians, the elites. It’s all manufactured information and the authority of such institutionalized ideologies is dependent upon the supposition that those in control have our best interests at heart.
Once one discovers that supposition to be false, there is a great deal of un-learning and re-learning to be done. The entire media, education system and financial and political structure of the world will be shown as a singular propaganda front for the enemies of humanity.
Call me crazy. Apply to me whatever labels you wish. I have no reputation, no PhD, no titles or honors. I have no allegiances, no pressure points, no endorsement deals, no fears. I certainly do not have any non disclosure agreements or vows of silence to uphold. I learned everything I learned through study and experience. I learned to see the world from every perspective possible, at once. I learned how to teach myself.
I have a cat who keeps me company, and a laptop that is a weapon. I have a will to liberate this world from the darkness cast upon it. I have an unbreakable knowledge of my reason for incarnating; of the message I was meant to recover and deliver. I have an absolute knowledge that I am not alone in knowing the things I know. I am not the only one who is here to deliver this message. I am not special, but I awoke to this mission earlier than most and have had many years to connect all the dots. Many fortunate and unfortunate events alike have triggered my memories and aided my writing.
Forgive me if it is found that I’ve made a mistake, if I’ve got something wrong. It is a massive undertaking, and I can’t possibly claim that I haven’t made any errors. These are the most difficult subjects to study in all of history and prehistory, because I was researching the people who have always been writing history as they see fit. So where to find the pieces of history they didn’t write…?
I can promise that I have scrutinized every detail, after years of feeling that it had to be perfect, else I should be rejected as a madman by everyone forever. I had to show the whole picture but the whole picture takes so very long to explain. It may not seem exciting to anyone until it finally all starts to come together, but one needs extreme patience in order to reach that place. At least, I thought, I could help those who had the drive, the open yet discerning mind, the willpower, the patience, the courage, conviction and dedication to truth. The only ones who will ever care enough to read this book, are those who are driven by selfless, unconditional love for all life in the universe.
Those ones will read this book and come to understand the full picture, of which they’ve only ever before, seen parts. Light-workers are not called to work in the sunshine, but rather, in the darkness. Only those who are unafraid to look at the disease will be able to cure it.
This text began as my notes. I investigated the pyramid mysteries, the Golden Age teachings, the Sacred Sciences of ancient cultures. I saw these mysteries as central to the human purpose on Earth. The mystery of consciousness, expressed in relief on Egyptian temple walls, drew me in.
With an eye and a mind for ciphers and codes, riddles and number games, secret symbolism and steganography – Ancient Khemit was my passion. Egypt is the greatest riddle on Earth. So difficult is it to solve, that no one yet has found the answer. The primary reason that no one can find an answer is this – few have yet realized that Egypt is a question; a RIDDLE.
Who will even begin to seek the answer if they are unaware that a question has been asked? Who will solve a riddle if they don’t know that it’s a riddle?
Yes! Egypt is a question. A riddle.
This whole world is a riddle.
This entire reality is a riddle.
It’s a riddle of symbols.
There is something much bigger going on here; something that we’ve failed to see, thus far. There is something that is intended for us here; something to be learned here; experience to be gained here; a status to be attained here.
At this very special time, and on this very special planet, humanity is called to answer the Grand Riddle. Lay down your pencils and hand in your exam paper. This is graduation day. This is the day when Anubis weighs your heart against a feather. This is the day when the books are opened and judgement comes forth.
This is the day to do right, to think right, to act right and to align yourself with Nature’s will. Now is the time for you to accept your active role in creating this reality and begin creating responsibly. Now is your Dark Night of the Soul, the greatest one you’ll face in your lifetime. Now the vibration in your soul is tested against the vibration of the Sun.
What have you done? What do you know? How have you helped? Is it your desire to improve yourself, to find yourself, to attain your highest form? Is it your will to discover your own highest gifts so that you might use them to create a better world?
Self knowledge is not only for the individual, but on the community and planetary level as well. Do we know who we are as a people, a race, a species? No, we don’t. So how can we truly know ourselves as individuals?
We are called to evolve into a new consciousness. We are called to accept responsibility for our own cultures, governments, militaries, media and institutions. We are called to maturity, as a species; called to recognize the effects of complacency to tyranny. We are called to take collective accountability for our history.
We are being forced to find discernment now; to find self confidence and self knowledge. We are forced to question our entire reality. Photographs, videos, events, even people – ALL can be faked, and we are all well aware of this. Does this mean that no one can be trusted? No, it means that we must develop higher senses. We must rise to a new level, intellectually, linguistically, psychologically, spiritually and technologically.
Consider the irony of man;
seeking himself, yet repelled by his own reflection.
Bold convictions and stubborn progress in meaningless directions.
Entrenched in barbaric traditions he can’t seem to escape from.
Stirring in currents of war, oppression, violence, deceit and corruption.
Guilt for the past and fear of the future, yet never acknowledging either.
Proud of his conquest of nature.
Either assured that he himself is the grandest consciousness in the universe,
or else frantically searching for an invented one.
Placed on an island in the Cosmic Sea, he knows only the world he was born to.
Blind to the universe outside of his home planet;
outside of his visible and audible spectrums;
outside of the minuscule segment of reality given to him.
Yet he is bold enough to claim wisdom – comprehension of what is going on.
He claims he is the wisest being on earth, and knowing no other places, he dares to postulate whether or not intelligent life exists elsewhere, as if it may be possible that this is the only planet in the universe that could sustain life long enough for it to approach a complexity capable of self awareness.
Confidence in the world he’s built is undermined by the repressed gnosis deep within which, when heard, tells of the flaws in the story.
And what of SHE? When will HER day come? When will the effects of the rooted patriarchy subside to allow for equilibrium? When will the Divine Feminine be openly understood and cherished?
We soak up a mass produced education and choose to believe the scholars, scientists and priests, not because we innately believe them, but because we subconsciously suppress our powers of discernment, for fear of discovering the falsehoods we try to ignore.
“Ignorance is bliss” – the creed of the Western World…
It is always easier to follow the currents of thought as they are flowing, but many among us find the need to struggle against them. We recognize that we are living in an illusion. We acknowledge that the face humanity presents to itself in the mirror is a mask, and we long to see what is truly behind it. We see that the framework of our methodology is less stable than we’ve been lead to believe – in many cases, it is supported by weak pillars or lacking a foundation entirely. The facades are now crumbling before our eyes, if we are looking.
As our collective opinions and theories entrench themselves deeper and deeper into the human spirit, they become harder and harder to unlearn – harder to admit inaccurate.
And so pride is our greatest barrier to wisdom.
We tip toe around solutions to global hunger, poverty, energy crises, pollution – yet we never seem to find them. Our time is occupied with debts, jobs, grades, social standing, image…
We are locked into traditions that we feel we must accept, though they draw our gaze consistently away from realization. Is it by chance that we are distracted so? Is it as the conspiracist fears – that the elite cabal pull every string of the world in order to hide what’s really happening?
What is it that prevents us from asking for the meaning of life after the age of seven? Who amongst us can earnestly say that we fully understand what is going on here – how we got here, where we came from, what we are, what our world is, how we are connected to the story of this existence and of course, if we have one, what is our purpose?
If we are ready to dismiss the blissfuly ignorant daydream of the world and approach the wilderness to begin anew, then the curriculum of this volume may, in time, be able to help build a new foundation for our communal self knowledge.
The Illusion and the Architect is a network of ideas, built on many years of compelling finds by ingenious researchers. It is the weaving together of the most vital strands of information we possess. It is the wide view of the world and our place within it, born of a need that I felt more and more as I began pulling the pieces together. A thesis, so seemingly vague, was crystalized with exceptional detail and perfect harmony. Every piece came to fit in place so perfectly that I recognized the need for it to be written, in full. In the process, several books were published that came closer and closer to its scope, yet none that have fully satisfied the widest view that I wish to present.
After all, the vast majority of work that went into this book was not done by me, but by field specialists in archaeology, mythology, history, science, theology, etc. Many contributions are from those who are entirely outside of any field of study that existed before their time. They have created brand new paths of thought for us to follow and develop. There is nothing included that is not, in my own mind, paradigm-shifting as well as reasonably self evident. These are concepts that have been tested and aged. They have been ridiculed, attacked undermined and laughed off, but never disproven. Though scholarship’s resistance to these ideas is not justified, it is expected.
For these are theories that break the world open.
The western world must simply swallow a heavy pill. The truth is being shown in this very generation – by light workers, by buddhas, by scientists, mystics, independent researchers, archaeologists, psychologists, theosophists, psychonauts, indigenous elders, white magicians and so on. It is everywhere. The information has arrived – split up into ten thousand tiny clues all mimicking the universal secret. Once you have seen it, you never see through your old eyes again. Humanity does have a purpose. There is an answer to what we are and what we might be.
In my lifelong search, I’ve always found it quite easy to stumble into more and more of this mystery. This is the information age after all, and anyone with a computer could make the connections if motivated, but for many it is hard to find the time.
So for you, who have found your way to this work, let it be a guidebook to the various revelations that humanity has achieved in our contemporary culture as well as our distant past.
I believe the first stage of this inquiry involves letting go of of our pride – specifically, accepting that the modern global culture we have built around us may not be the most advanced the world has ever known. In fact, it is very possible that we are not the most advanced species on the planet currently. Humankind has an air of superiority about it, simply assuming, for example, that dolphins are not having conversations that parallel the complexity of our own. Though we hear them speak to one another, we cannot begin to know how it feels to think with a dolphins mind. We do not know the level of their self awareness, though we know that their brain size is comparable to our own. And what of the blue whale, with a brain the size of a truck? Why would we not hastily conclude that the intelligence of such a creature must be leagues beyond our own? Is it our ability to dominate nature that assures us of our complete distinction from the rest of the living Earth? Is it because we can kill them; is that what establishes dominance? Why do we insist that we are above the law?
But firstly, why do we fail to even consider that our own human ancestors may have reached heights above the present level. It becomes painfully obvious when we finally look. Humanity has known itself before. The world has been fully interconnected in the past and humans on one side of the planet were aware of those in the opposite hemisphere. Intercontinental travel and commerce occurred easily for extended periods of peace and prosperity. Arts and sciences were formed, agriculture and husbandry were practiced and many of the greatest monuments on the face of the earth were formed. Projects were undertaken with a global effort – construction and design operations that our current world would scarcely comprehend, much less, be able to execute. We were aware of much finer energies than electricity or magnetism. We knew how to build a thriving, sustainable civilization capable of prolonged peace and even collective self discovery.
There was a time on this planet when we deeply understood our potential and our purpose, and we diligently pursued it with great success. We attained heights which, by comparison, make our current world embarrassing.
And we knew back then that we would sink to this level, but we also knew that we would rise again to once more discover the ingenious markers left behind in stones, myths, and those who remember. These, the proofs of the sacred doctrine of high wisdom from the earliest ages, have reached us as time capsules. The full depth of the message we can scarcely imagine, but the introduction has been stated to the world. It states this:
There is something bigger going on. We are in the darkness but the grand mystery is unfolding before us. We are not our bodies, we are not this world. We are participants within a great matrix of life, currently resting within a state of incarnation in a particularly dense, material plane, but that world is not us. We see the veil that colors our interaction with existence – but not existence itself. We will never see base reality until we recognize that this world is simply a hall of mirrors, reflecting the one and only universal form of existence – the balanced story of matter and energy – the fracturing of a single conscious life into unlimited forms, all microcosmic reflections of the whole – intelligent infinity coming to know itself in infinite ways…
If you’re still reading, then you are likely among the many that have already come to recognize the mysteries, as well as the importance of the search. Our world is collapsing. We are rudderless. Those who do hold the power, influence or resources to shape the political and economic landscape at will, unfortunately, tend to be sociopathic criminals. They lead the human mentality towards war, hostility, fear, slave labor… They lead us into cages we can’t see, but we are surely trapped. They ostracize the critical thinker while pushing the celebrity romance; the apocalyptic blockbuster films, the toxic fast food, the censored textbooks, the patriotic need for military dominance and then, the antidepressants.
Is it possible that humankind’s greatest enemy, the concealers of the truth, are here with us today? Preventing us from recovering our past, our potential, our purpose? How might we shred the veil to pieces and disclose forevermore, our own transcendent nature to ourselves? How might we dissect the intricacies of the Egyptian underworld texts and come to know the reality outside of the human body’s perception? How might we come to understand our origin as more than a big explosion that simply created all matter, space and time? That is simply not enough of an explanation.
I have chosen to publish this work anonymously. One could argue that this detracts from the authenticity. Books of this kind are often judged by the credentials of the author. This is a sacrifice I am willing to make for several reasons. For one thing, the material in the text is easily validated by any who wish. The power of this book is in its wide scope. It’s capacity is limited and so we must simply scratch the surface of a thousand mysteries so that by the end, we have a loose grasp of the whole. For this reason, I intend to explain enough of a given phenomenon to demonstrate its existence and relevance, nothing more. There is simply too much ground to cover. Therefore, (obviously) I strongly encourage that you DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and investigate the books that are referenced within the text, in order to fully grasp the magnitude of the mystery and its authenticity.
I publish anonymously because I do not want to come under a spotlight. Many of the things I have written are extremely controversial, other aspects are seemingly insane. I have watched as others before me emerged saying the things that would be considered ‘academic suicide’. I have seen them persist and I have followed their work. I have known many of the characters in this story and as any who ventured forth in this area will know, this evidence quickly spirals outward into a web of unthinkable revelations. I have not personally made any great discovery of my own, but I quickly understood my place in this war of information, was that of a codebreaker; a puzzle solver. It is my role to show that ALL of these things are connected.
Every piece of this puzzle came to me in very unique ways in a progression that allowed for me to process more and more of the whole picture. Synchronicities beyond counting simply placed the pieces into my lap as soon as I was ready for them. After several years of research, my notes became extensive. They were edited into this book in 2012-13. For over 5 years I’ve sat waiting to publish. I didn’t have a proper ending written. I felt the need to wait for more clarity. Over these last years, I watched as the story grew. I came close to finalizing the edit but something was missing.
Now in late 2018, I realize that the end is in sight – that if I wait any longer, my story will not have any bearing. It will still be relevant, but others will also be saying it very soon I believe, and my primary intention here is to awaken as many as possible, as soon as possible.
There is a vast disclosure underway. There has been a hidden sickness in this world for many ages. Since the beginning of our history, a great veil had obscured our vision, but it is now lifting rapidly. Certain events in our near future demand our attention. The choices that humanity makes in the next several years will drastically affect the future of the whole cosmos. This disclosure is not only relevant to the publication of this book, but within it I have discovered the conclusion that the text had been waiting for. For this reason, I believe it is time to release The Illusion and the Architect.
The closing lines in the introduction to Manly Hall’s, ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ would seem to capture my thoughts exactly…
( ACTUALLY PUBLISHED – 12 / 21 \ 20 – )
I sincerely hope that each reader will profit from the perusal of this book, even as I have profited from the writing of it. The years of labor and thought expended upon it have meant much to me. The research work discovered to me many great truths; the writing of it discovered to me the laws of order and patience; the printing of it discovered to me new wonders of the arts and crafts; and the whole enterprise has discovered to me a multitude of friends whom otherwise I might never have known. And so, in the words of John Bunyan:
I penned
It down, until at last it came to be,
For length and breadth, the bigness which you see.
– Manly P. Hall
The Illusion and the Architect
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Part 1: Echoes of a Golden Age