A dissertation on the calendar and zodiac of ancient Egypt
A handbook of Egyptian religion
A short history of the Egyptian obelisks
Amentet an account of the gods amulets and scarabs of the ancient Egyptians
An Analysis of the Egyptian Mythology
An exposition of the mysteries
Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations
Bible myths and their parallels in other religions
Chronological inquiry into the ancient history of Egypt
Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt
Divination and demonology among the Hindus Hebrews Arabs and Egyptians
Egypt the Cradle of Ancient Masonry
Egyptian belief and modern thought
Egyptian Excavations and Mummies
Egyptian hieroglyphics their nature origin and meaning
Egyptian ideas of the future life
Egyptian mythology and Egyptian Christianity
Egypts place in universal history 1
Egypts place in universal history 2
Egypts place in universal history 3
Egypts place in universal history 4
Egypts place in universal history 5
Encyclopaedia of superstitions
Enoch the Philistine a traditional romance of Philistia Egypt and the Great Pyramid
Hieroglyphic vocabulary of the Book of the dead
Mythological Ínquiry Into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens
Myths and legends of ancient Egypt – Spence
Myths and marvels of astronomy
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection 1
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection 2
Our inheritance in the Great Pyramid
Popular literature in ancient Egypt
Religion and Conscience in Ancient Eqypt
Religion of the ancient Egyptians
Religions of the past and the religion of the future
The ancient Egyptian doctrine of the immortality of the soul
The Architecture of Ancient Egypt a historical outline
The Architecture of Ancient Egypt
The decrees of Memphis and Canopus 1
The decrees of Memphis and Canopus 2
The decrees of Memphis and Canopus 3
The Egyptian conception of immortality
The Egyptian Element in the Birth Stories of the Gospels
The Egyptian heaven and hell 1
The Egyptian heaven and hell 2
The Evil Eye An account of this ancient and wide spread superstition
The External Evidences of the Book of Mormon
The Golden Age of myth and legend
The Golden Bough a study in magic and religion
The great pyramid and Napoleon
The Great Pyramid and the Book of the Dead
The History of Egypt Under the Romans
The Horus Myth in Its Relation to Christianity
The mythical interpretation of the Gospels
The Origin of Pagan Idolatry 1
The Origin of Pagan Idolatry 2
The Origin of Pagan Idolatry 3
The realms of the Egyptian dead
The religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia
The Religious Ideas of the Ancient Egyptians
The serpent myths of ancient Egypt
The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses
The Twelve Egyptian Obelisks in Rome
Tutankhamen Amenism Atenism and Egyptian monotheism