Secrets of Meditation

By Trevor Grassi, Opus Magnum 2020
Here are several keys that can help you to attain higher states of consciousness more effectively!
[Click here to skip ahead to the second half of this article: ‘Secret Techniques’]
There are many differing types of meditation. Most often, it means to empty the mind of all thoughts in order to be in a receptive state. Other times the word is used to mean reflection on specific subject or the processing of an idea from a deep philosophical state – contemplation. And then there is Kundalini or transcendental meditation in different varieties, which aim to open the third eye by ‘stirring the light’ within and activating the chakras.
“Meditation transports one from the transient world of matter to the real world of dreamings, visions, and imaginings where idea is and concepts are born.”
-Walter Russell

It may be said that all meditation is transcendental to a degree, as it aims to remove one from all external thoughts and from the noise of the world. It aims to transcend, or go beyond this world, into the world of the mind. Sometimes we meditate because life is overwhelming and we just need to recharge with a retreat inward. Other times, we may meditate with mantras in order to reorder our way of the thinking into a mindset we want to establish as our bodies base vibration. Om Mani Padme Hum is one of the most popular, meaning ‘the jewel is in the lotus’, referring to the concept that the light and spirit are contained within your physical body, which is a flower that unfolds to show the jewel. Just humming or chanting AUM (om) can have a strong calming and healing effect. If you have any pets, you may notice they may also relax when you hum, and if it’s a cat, you may notice that you are calmed when your cat purrs, for the same reason.

Humming or reciting OM can really let you feel every cell in your body because they will all be vibrating to a frequency that has been chosen by your mind. So if you are humming while focusing on physical health for instance, you can really feel this message of intention reaching every part of your body. Visualizing all your body’s etheric currents flowing smoothly, will instruct the body to make it so.
Meditation can bare many incredible fruits for one who practices often, and it tends to lead into progressively deeper and deeper states. You will be able to enter these states quicker as you learn to slow the breath and heartbeat. The ‘fourfold breath’ technique is a good place to start.
Count while breathing in, 1 2 3 4 then hold it for 1 2 3 4 then release over 1 2 3 4 then remain empty for 1 2 3 4 and repeat. Rather than counting numbers, you could choose any four words in a pattern. This regulates the breathing and also focuses your mind on something that does not take much mental power or cognition, but effectively prevents larger thoughts from the world entering the mind, so it can ease you into a calm state.
Meditation begins with mindfulness, which means paying attention to what thoughts occupy your mind. You are trying to silence your mind of all thoughts, take note of which ones disrupt the silence. Mindfulness means not only meditating, but also monitoring one’s thoughts 24/7 and constantly noting what percentage of our mental power we give to what kinds of thoughts or feelings.

Are we angry most of the day or happy? Do we think dark thoughts often? Do we think funny thoughts, or profound thoughts, or meaningless ones? How many times do we curse, or praise, insult or compliment, cry or laugh? How many thoughts are positive and how many negative? How often are we thinking of ourselves compared to thinking of others? How many are selfish thoughts versus selfless? These are important things to note; to be MINDFUL of.
The path of meditation tends to lead one towards not only sel knowledge, but also to a better understanding of the world. It helps us to notice our connection to others and to notice the overall need for compassion to be our primary state of being. Buddhists claim, and have well proven, that if one can think nothing loving thoughts for a sustained time, they will automatically achieve their light body (attain enlightenment or ascension). Unconditional love is a mindset that must be held every day in order for our higher bodies to develop. In essence, you are building a body in a higher density; we are in the 3rd, and the 4th density [4D] can only be accessed through unconditional love.
Meditation generally ends up leading one to an important truth; that we are all ONE. It ends up showing us that we are all connected by one biological energy field, which we share with the planet and all life upon it. We are all connected, though our cultures are divided in many ways. We recognize how little we understand about other people’s lives and karma, so we naturally become more tolerant, more forgiving to all, and we act with more humility. The result is often less judgement of others and a heightened awareness of the universal struggles of all living beings.
The more attention we give to material goods, the more we are tied to the material plane, and the more we focus on the spiritual plane and feeding the spiritual body, the more karma we will burn and so, the lighter we become. We actually end up purifying the energy that resides within us and we can ‘weave the strands of spirit into the cloth of a soul’. As your body’s vibration becomes more pure, you will actually radiate energy that will be felt by those around you, and everyone will be more and more attracted to you naturally. You will heal others with your own presence, as your strong and pure vibration will help to lift their own.
Psychic faculties will then begin to naturally unfold as the chakras charge the etheric bodies and exercise the ‘subtle muscles’. You may find that synchronistic coincidences occur more frequently as your mind learns to speak with the source field of consciousness that permeates all space and time. The world around you begins to react to you and your intentions manifest with surprising ease.
You are constantly manifesting your own life circumstances, whether or not you realize you are doing it. Meditation helps you to realize that you are doing it. It also teaches you why you must learn to think in a loving way. If you are angry or depressed most of the time, or living in fear, you will only drive yourself deeper into anger and depression, but if you focus on loving intentions and being of service to others when possible, then you will quickly find that, in the words of the great Master Yoda, ‘the FORCE is your ALLY’. The world will conspire not against you, but to aid you.

There are a few SECRETS to know which can actually boost your ‘psychic power’ in meditation…
As you cleanse yourself of doubt, fear, shame, guilt, regrets and other toxic energies, as you learn to forgive yourself and others, you will find that you become a clearer channel for the conscious universe. You begin to learn how to ‘speak to the Universe’. Below I share two ‘keys’ to connecting with universal consciousness.
One secret relates to the time of day. If you meditate when the core of the Milky Way is directly above you (at your zenith), you can harness galactic power to amplify your experience. This phenomenon was explained by David Wilcock in 2009:
Now here‘s another interesting piece of information that helps to confirm that. There was a Dr. James Spottiswoode, who came from one of these California universities. I forget which one right now. [Berkeley.] Again what you‘re hearing is all improv — I‘m not reading off any piece of paper; this is just a spontaneous lecture for you.
Anyway Dr. James Spottiswoode went through twenty years of research into ESP, anomalous cognition, remote viewing, Zener cards, Ganzfeld — all these laboratory studies of the human psychic function.
What he was looking for was a universal time factor: something that could keep on showing up from time after time, which would help to establish a time of the day where your psychic ability would get better.
He wanted to see if, for example, if at high noon, when the Sun is right overhead, you would be more psychic.
He took these studies and put them all together, but he was not able to find any particular piece of information that told him that there was going to be something happening on a particular day at a particular time — until he looked at what‘s called “sidereal time ”.
Sidereal time is the time that it takes the Earth to orbit once, relative to the center of the galaxy, rather than to the Sun. That‘s a little bit different than the time that it takes us to rotate around the Sun, because the solar system is moving through the galaxy: our relative position to the galactic center is changing, not just based on the Earth‘s rotation and revolution.
Sidereal time is not just something you can have fixed at a certain point of the day. It actually does change from day to day. So you need to keep checking it, if you‘re going to go looking for this.
Now it appears that at 13 hours, 30 minutes, Local Sidereal Time — meaning sidereal time for you wherever you are — your psychic ability shoots up by 400%!”

Wilcock continues:
“Now that‘s a really, really phenomenal piece of information, because what that‘s telling us is that you could be sitting there in your house, having no knowledge that these energy fields are affecting you in any way — and, yet, during this particular time of the day, where your position on the Earth aligns you directly with the center of the Galaxy, your intuitive abilities go way up!
That‘s a very important point: you‘re aligned with the center of the Galaxy and it‘s almost as if there‘s a hair dryer blowing on you. If you can think of the center of the galaxy as if it‘s like a stream of air or wind, you‘re like a wind sock. When you catch that air the strongest — when you‘re right in its path — then all of a sudden you have a lot more psychic ability.
That‘s really astonishing. That suggests very strongly that our mind is being affected by an outside energy field; that this energy field somehow has the ability to affect how psychic we can be, in addition to probably our level of intelligence and who knows what — the level of the health of the body; certainly there‘s other studies that show that.
So, again, this is just yet another study telling us that consciousness is not just thought within the mind. It‘s actually an energy field that reverberates throughout the whole Cosmos. And it‘s an energy field that has varying degrees of density in various locations.”
Here is quick explanation:
Essentially, if you meditate when the Galactic Core is directly above your specific location (longitude), your psychic abilities will be increased by 400%! In the hour surrounding that time, they are heightened by 200-300%. That is to say, your powers of manifestation are quadrupled! Perhaps it’s a good idea to get into a routine then?? BUT, due to the motion of the whole solar system around the Galactic center, this time of day shifts backwards by about 4 minutes per day. This is called the SIDEREAL motion of our solar system. Here’s how you can calculate the peak moment of galactic power.
The link below is a sidereal clock. You must determine your own longitude as accurately as possibly and type it in. (You can find your longitude through Google Earth.) You should see ‘Local Date and Time:’ followed by your current local time. Once your longitude is set, you will be able to read the sidereal time accurately. When this clock reads 13:30 (it’s in 24-hour time), that is when the Galactic Core is overhead! I would recommend bookmarking this page on your browser and naming the bookmark with your longitude so that you don’t have to look it up each time. You may want to also include the peak hour so you don’t forget. For instance, if I lived at the Great Pyramid of Giza, I’d bookmark the page thus: 31.08 E – 13:30. ENJOY THIS POWERFUL TOOL!
Here is the sidereal clock I use:
A second, and VERY IMPORTANT secret relates to the moon. When the moon visits your zodiacal house, it pulls on your spinal fluid which flows up and down. Each month, the moon visits each sign of the zodiac for about 2-3 days. For instance, I am Scorpio (sun sign) so I try to do deeper meditation on the few days each month when the moon is in Scorpio. One of the most prominent voices in the world discussing this circulating spinal fluid is John St Julien, who notes here the key of utilizing these special days each month. All of his videos are excellent in my opinion, especially since he is one of the very few people who speaks about the ‘sacred secretion’ at all.
This is an ANCIENT secret, and one of the most protected in all of history. In fact, it was at the core of Jesus’ teachings, and this fluid has been called the christ or chrism oil (cerebral spinal fluid). Jesus himself referred to this liquid as milk (raw form in sacral plexus) and honey (purified golden elixir, fed to the pineal gland). This fluid is ‘cooked’ within our body, as within an alchemist’s alembic and the distilled fluid is what the pineal gland needs in order to get it’s DMT boost.
DMT has piezo electric qualities which means that it can actually give off light, and this is very interesting considering the pineal gland is actually built EXACTLY like an eye, with cones and receptors, and is wired straight into the visual cortex of the brain. Therefore, in astral travel or remote viewing, images can actually be sent through the ‘silver cord’ (which the connects the physical and astral bodies) from the astral eyes to the pineal gland which can essentially project the images into your third eye in the body, which views it like a normal eye would. It’s like there is a secret movie theatre in the center of your skull!
This is a calendar that shows when the moon is in your house or you may prefer to use this view:
The sacred secretion is a secret that has been preserved in mystery traditions forever and we see it hidden beneath the veiled alchemical codes as the formation of the Philosopher’s Stone.
Here is another powerful resource. The Schumann resonance or frequency is a standing wave on planet earth, meaning it is a constant vibration or waveform. The DAILY GRAPHS of the Schumann frequency, show the level of activity in the biofield of the Earth. During mass meditations, these graphs show the ‘psychic’ energy levels of the whole planet rising. Though this page is in Russian, you can google translate. It shows the live reading of the planet’s Schumann frequency.

I sincerely hope that these special tips will inspire you into a practice of regular meditation. It is truly a very beneficial practice not only for yourself, but for the whole world, even if it may seem like a waste of time in such a frantic world. ‘Know Thyself’ were the words carved into the temple of the Oracle at Delphi, and meditation is how we do just that. The more humans that meditate, the more mindful humanity will become as a whole.
You may also wish to read another article called Healing with Light, which touches on the subtle bodies as well.
Here is a list of books about meditation:
50 Best Meditation Books of All Time