The Third Eye

By Trevor Grassi, Opus Magnum 12 / 2 / 2020, updated 12/13/22 ht
Just after the premiere of this interview, I was thrown in facebook jail!!! Apparently I am no longer a manager of my own Opus Magnum Group!!! WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID? hahaha
Must be doing something right…

So please share this page and interview everywhere you can!

[Listen to Binaural Beats, Click Here]
[Listen to 432 hz music, click here]

—Alex Grey, “The Mission of Art,” page 82.
[Click Here to Skip Ahead to Gallery]
References and Links:
BOOK: Man the Grand Symbol of the Mysteries, by Manly Hall
ARTICLE: Thoth and the Djedhi by Maia Chrystine Nartoomid
BOOK: DMT The Spirit Molecule, by Rick Strassman
ALL BOOKS by Drunvalo Melchizedek
BOOK: There is a River (Biography of Edgar Cayce)
BOOK: The Prophet, by Khalil Gibran
Magical Egypt Series Holiday special discount – All series by Chance Gardner and Vanese McNeill
Article: A New Rosetta Stone of Consciousness From Ancient Egypt? By Vanese McNeill
Article: Gate of God, Shakti Goddess by Gary Osborn
Article: The Gate of God, By Gary Osborn
Gary Osborn had first had the insight about the Eye of Horus match-up with the brain and the regions of the senses in 1997, but the authors of this paper write about it (in 2019) as if it was their own. Even still, Gary mentions, it does prove that academia takes it seriously:
The CIA also takes it seriously:
CIA DOCS: Declassified from the CIA vault: Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process, from 1983
VIDEO (practical alchemy): Beautiful Alchemy, by Steve Kalec
Alchemical imagery:, by Adam McLean
BOOK: The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill, by David Ovason
BOOK: The Secret Destiny of America, by Manly Hall
ARTICLE: Open Letter to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”: N.K.Roerich was not the designer of 1$ bill
ARTICLE: The True and Mysterious Meaning of the Hamsa Hand, by Dani Rhys
Google Patents: Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
VIDEO: We’ve Found the Magic Frequency (Nikola Tesla was RIGHT), by Anthony Holland
VIDEO: Anthony Holland’s research, (longer format)
VIDEO: The 528 Hz Frequency, by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
YT CHANNEL: Anthony Holland’s Novobiotronics
WEBSITE: Dr. Robert Gilbert’s
BOOK: Primary Perception, by Dr. Cleve Backster
BOOK: The Secret of life: Cosmic Rays and Radiations of Living Beings, by Georges Lakhovsky
Bill Donanue Hidden Meanings (Website)
Bill Donahue’s Video Playlists
Bill Donahue Pineal Gland Playlist
John St Julien Youtube Channel
DEEMS Device:
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, by Nikola Tesla
The Secret of Life: Cosmic Rays and Radiations of Living Beings, by Georges Lakhovsky
VIDEO: Robert Edward Grant’s REAL da Vinci Code
VIDEO: Alan Green’s Decode of Shakespeare Sonnets structure

Bonus Gallery – Third Eye Memes – Detox suggestions – Quotes – etc…
My own articles and pages:
Nicholas Roerich – gallery of paintings
Secrets of Meditation – including moon calendar, sidereal clock, Schumann graphs and more!
Dani’s channel is a FANTASTIC source of high level intelligence being disclosed through an ongoing conversation between many vetted contactees, experiencers and researchers. This group was largely brought together through Dani’s event – the Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection [GSIC], which I attended in October of 2022, in Orlando, FL. I wholeheartedly recommend following Dani’s channel here, for the most important and up-to-date news in the galaxy… (Not kidding!) – subscribe:

[Sorry – it was meant to be a convenient grid, but WordPress is malfunctioning in many ways, and putting the whole thing in one column… It’s the Djed Column I guess haha]

Magical Egypt Playlist (begins with first two episodes free):
The Secret Life of Plants Full Film:
The Secret Life of Plants – Stevie Wonder Music Video!!!:
John St Julien:
Recent video from Dr. Santos Bonacci:
Kate Bush – Cloudbusting (Music Video about Wilhelm Reich):
Anna Breytanbach, Animal Communicator Full Documentary:
O. M.